Sunday, July 18, 2021

2021 Summer Trip Part 2 - Travels with d & Zhouyi

 On July 18th we left Lake Powell and drove to Green River Campground in Dinosaur NP near Vernal, UT where we had reservations for 2 nights.  We traveled together with d's family and the McLaughlins.  We all stayed in the RV the first night. The next day we drove to the Dinosaur visitor center where archeologists have partially excavated a wall of dinosaur bones so the exposed bones stick out of the wall.  Our grandson Euan loves dinosaurs so he had a great time.  That afternoon the McLaughlins left for Salt Lake City to catch their airplane for home.  d's family continued with us and we stayed one more night in Green River Campground and traveled the next day to Paris Springs Campground near Paris, ID where we had booked 2 nights.  On July 21 we hiked up to Paris Springs which is near the campground and explored the Bear Lake area.  That night we ate at Zipz in Garden City, UT.  We love eating at Zipz, the food is great and it is decorated with old water skis and outboard motors.

Liz with d's family at Paris Springs

The next day we drove up Hwy 89 toward Tetons NP and stayed the night at Wolf Creek Campground near Alpine, WY.  On July 23 we drove to Colter Bay Campground in Tetons NP where we had reservations for 2 nights.  The day we arrived we walked down to Jackson Lake from the campground and admired the view of the Tetons while the kids played.  The next day we drove north and did the loop around Yellowstone Park....always a treat.  Liz & I did the trip on the scooter because there wasn't enough room for all of us in d's car.  We stopped at the Lower Falls overlook and ate lunch at Canyon cafeteria.  Then we drove around to Old Faithful and caught an eruption. 

Euan & Meila on the beach at Jackson Lake

d's family at the Lewis Falls overlook in
Yellowstone NP

Grandpa & Euan at the 
Lower Falls Overlook

Lower falls of the Yellowstone River

On July 25 we left the Yellowstone and the Tetons and drove the RV to the Zollinger family farm in Spring Dale, ID.  There Meila and Euan got a flavor of farm life and got to see many animals like cows and chickens.  Their favorite animals however were the cats.  The next day d's family had to leave for home in Riverside, CA.  We were sorry that d had to get back to work but we were grateful for the time we had to spend traveling together.

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