Friday, December 16, 2016

Pagosa Springs Cabin

Dec 16 - 21, 2016

Our daughter Kathryn rented a cabin in the mountains at Pagosa Springs, CO and invited us to come.  We decided to make the 14 hour drive in two days stopping overnight in Tucumcari, NM. We arrived at the Tucumcari Days Inn on Dec 16 and planned to leave early the next morning and drive to Albuquerque, NM to pick up Rachael and Kevin at the airport.  However, as we drove to Alburquerque we got word from Rachael that their plane was delayed...for 10 hours it turns out.  We finally picked them up at about 6:30 PM and arrived at the cabin before midnight.
Cabin at night with Christmas lights
The next day we awoke to a beautiful sunny day and went sleigh riding down the hill leading to the cabin. It was a first time experience for the Keeton kids and Kevin.  We had some great fun and great wipe outs!   We also spent part of the day trying to get the cars back up the driveway from the cabin so we could go skiing the next day.  We had beautiful days with temps from 0 to 35 degrees.

Driveway to Cabin - a sheet of ice
Sleigh riding hill was the road

On the last day we went skiing at Wolf Creek Ski Resort.  After spending about 3 hours getting tickets and skis (should have rented skis in the valley instead of at the resort), we finally hit the slopes about noon.  Kevin, Akston, and Reayen were new skiers and so we spent some time on the bunny slope. They all quickly got the hang of skiing and soon Kevin and Rachael were off trying more challenging slopes.  Toward the end of the day John, Kathryn, and Lee got to try a few intermediate runs and had a great time.  I got to try out my new hip (left hip replacement done last year) for the first time on the slopes.  I found that skiing with two hip replacements works just fine...glad to know that I have a few years of skiing left.  

The Ski Trip Crew

Liz and Elynn stayed back at the cabin during our ski trip and Liz took some great pics of the cabin.

The cabin was a beautiful place and accommodated our party of 9 very comfortably.  The experience made us realize this is something we should do again and try to include the whole family....something to factor into our plans for the future.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

2016 Zollinger Sibling Reunion

On Dec 1-4 we hosted a Zollinger sibling family reunion in Orlando, FL.  All of Elizabeth's brothers and sisters and their spouses attended.  We rented a vacation villa in Davenport, FL near Disney World.  The villa had 8 bedrooms, a rec room, movie room, pool and spa and comfortably accommodated our party of 17.  We had a family business meeting and dinner at the villa and used our free time to enjoy the local attractions including EPCOT at Disney World, the Gaylord Hotel Christmas decorations and the Mormon Church welfare farm.  We had a great time and it was good to catch up on the latest news of family members.  Here are some pics from the reunion.

Dinner at Chuys Mexican Restaurant
Gaylord Hotel Atrium
Family Pics at the Vacation Villa